Wednesday 3 February 2010

another new venture: short stories

I keep reading that publishing is one of those catch-22 ventures in which you need publications to get published. Therefore, I have submitted my first short story, a steampunk/science fiction piece of 4,200 words titled O How the Wheel Becomes It! to Crossed Genres, The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy with a Twist.

Here's the hook:

Ophelia Fahrenheit has been allowed to run wild, but no one can imagine exactly how wild she has run.

Neglected by her traveling father and cosseted by the servants, Ophelia has spent her entire life dreaming of the love and understanding only a mother can give. And she's been doing experiments in her secret attic workroom. The electric pepper mill was a failure, but the phantasm-revealing glasses might actually work.

When a new chambermaid sees something curious, she's drawn into Ophelia's workroom by a promise of favor that ends when the chloroform hits her nose. Why has Ophelia Fahrenheit been whispering to that ticking brass box, and what will happen when the chambermaid wakes?

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